Friday, February 26, 2010

STRD Information Letter


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Years ago over 90% of the ODNRA was open to OHV use but through the years it's been reduced to approx 38%. We cannot afford to lose another approx 15-17%! There is an advisory committee that will turn in a recommendation later this year on how to implement that plan, which makes up a lot of our riding area that is mostly trails that run through the vegetated areas.

The Forest Service has already held several 10-C Designated Route Plan meetings dealing with the Florence, Winchester Bay and Hauser/Spinreel dunes - read here:

We would also like to encourage everyone to join the Blue Ribbon Coalition (BRC), a pro-public lands advocacy organization - read here: They are also accepting donations on our behalf (you do not need to join the BRC to donate) to provide legal action if necessary to keep our riding area open - specify "BRC General Fund" and for contribution instructions type in "Oregon Dunes Account."



To anyone that knows an OHV enthusiast, please help us out. Print this page out, make copies and pass it out to them. Email this page out to any OHV enthusiasts you have in your email address book and ask them to do the same. Pass this message by word of mouth to all riding enthusiasts and give your favorite ATV shop a copy of this....think "Pyramid Scheme"....this is a grassroots effort to keep as much riding area open for all of us.

Please don't fall asleep on this one folks. Your riding areas may be shrunk to virtually nothing that Saturday morning your family wants to go riding. Serious stuff......Thanx for reading.....SaveTheRidersDunes

While we are presently focusing on this local 10-C dune issue, SaveTheRidersDunes is yet another platform for all pro-OHV usages in the nation. Fight for your right to Ride!

Save the Riders Dunes

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