Monday, July 5, 2010

Jean - Tillamook, Or

We got into the sport of dune riding as a means to take our 5 grandkids out and do something fun with them. And give them some real family stricter. These kids have learned safety, how to take care of and respect their own bikes, they thrive in the out of doors. Everyone should have a great family oriented hobby, if they did maybe a lot of these kids now a days would not be so messed up if their families took the time to do fun and interesting things with them. I grew up going to Florence and playing on the dunes, I have a lot of great memories from those trips.  

Dune riders put a lot of money into these towns. Think of the big and small business that this will hurt if there is no more dune riding allowed. This is just crazy to take away our rights to enjoy the land we pay taxes for.

J. Masterson
Tillamook, Oregon