Summary of Public Comments Received
Public comment during the process occurred through three primary mechanisms. First, each meeting of the Working Group included a specific time block for public comment. During this time block, individuals were invited to provide their input in the order in which they had signed-in as they arrived during the day. Second, numerous e-mails were received from interested public throughout the process. Third, a number of letters and copies of e-mails were submitted at the public meetings, either in lieu of, or in addition to oral comments.
What follows is a summary of the comments received during the process and the general sentiments expressed through those comments. More detailed summaries of comments received during the public comment periods at Working Group meetings can be found in the individual meeting notes for those meetings. Meeting notes are available through the Siuslaw National Forest web site at the following location… http://www.fs.fed.us/r6/siuslaw/projects/rec-plans-projects/dunes-routes/index.shtml
Copies of all written and e-mail input received are filed at the Siuslaw National Forest Supervisor’s office in Corvallis . Information on these materials is available from Frank Davis, Siuslaw National Forest Planner.
Public Comment at Working Group meetings
Saturday, October 3, Florence – Two individuals provided comments at the meeting. Both expressed their concern about the potential for further restrictions on OHV use on the NRA, and their support for continued access to the NRA for OHV users.
Saturday, November 7, Winchester Bay – Five individuals provided comments at the meeting. One person expressed concerns about OHV trail impacts on Matsutake mushroom habitat areas, and emphasized the need to protect those areas. Four individuals expressed their concerns about further restrictions on OHV use on the NRA, and their support for continued OHV access. They also emphasized the economic benefits of OHV use to local communities.
Saturday, January 23, Honeyman State Park – Nine individuals provided comments at the meeting. All expressed their concerns about further restrictions on OHV use on the NRA, and their support for continued OHV access. They emphasized the economic benefit of OHV use to local communities. They also commented on concerns about overcrowding and safety issues as OHV use increases and available areas decrease.
Saturday, April 17, North Bend – Fourteen individuals provided comments at the meeting. All expressed their concerns about further restrictions on OHV use on the NRA, and their support for continued OHV access. They emphasized the economic benefits of OHV use to local communities. Several also shared their concerns about the recent OHV closure implemented in the area around Beal Lake in the south riding area. One piece of written input was submitted by a local landowner, in addition to the oral comments received.
Saturday, June 5, North
Saturday, June 26, Florence - Fifteen individuals provided comments at the meeting. Four individuals expressed their concerns about noise impacts on local residents from OHV use on the NRA, and expressed their support for stronger enforcement of existing rules. Two individuals expressed concerns about the lack of camping facilities in the area, and the potential loss of tourist income to local communities. Nine individuals expressed their concerns about further restrictions on OHV use on the NRA, and their support for continued OHV access
Saturday, September 11, North Bend – (to be completed)
Saturday, October 16, Florence – (to be completed)
Letters and E-Mails Received
Through September 6, 2010, 46 e-mails were received providing specific comments about OHV use and related issues on the NRA. A number of additional e-mails were received requesting information on upcoming meetings and/or the Working Group process, but providing no specific input or comments.
Of the 46 e-mails received, 29 came from individual OHV users that were forwarded through an organization called Save The Riders Dunes (STRD). Input from STRD “members” generally emphasized their experiences riding on the NRA and the importance of this activity to families. They expressed concerns about further restricting the area available to OHV use, and related impacts on rider safety (due to overcrowding) and impacts on local economies (due to reduced use). STRD “members” support continued access to the NRA for OHV use, and oppose any further restrictions on the area available to OHV users. (Note: Printed copies of most of the STRD e-mails were also submitted at the June 5 and June 26 Working Group meetings).
Several additional e-mails were received from OHV users of the NRA, expressing their support for continued access and OHV riding opportunities, and their opposition to further restrictions on OHV use in the NRA. 12 e-mails were received from adjacent landowners and residents of theFlorence area, expressing their concerns about noise impacts from OHV use on the NRA, and also concerns about trespass and damage to private properties. Several e-mails were received from individuals concerned about opening up areas of the NRA currently closed to OHV use, and allowing OHV use in those areas. They expressed concerns about the potential impacts to non-OHV users in these areas.
Two additional pieces of written input were submitted at Working Group meetings. One came from an adjacent landowner, and expressed support for the designation of OHV user trails in the NRA, including trails that connect to their property. Another letter came from a local resident of the Of the 46 e-mails received, 29 came from individual OHV users that were forwarded through an organization called Save The Riders Dunes (STRD). Input from STRD “members” generally emphasized their experiences riding on the NRA and the importance of this activity to families. They expressed concerns about further restricting the area available to OHV use, and related impacts on rider safety (due to overcrowding) and impacts on local economies (due to reduced use). STRD “members” support continued access to the NRA for OHV use, and oppose any further restrictions on the area available to OHV users. (Note: Printed copies of most of the STRD e-mails were also submitted at the June 5 and June 26 Working Group meetings).
Several additional e-mails were received from OHV users of the NRA, expressing their support for continued access and OHV riding opportunities, and their opposition to further restrictions on OHV use in the NRA. 12 e-mails were received from adjacent landowners and residents of the