Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I'm a 21 year old "kid" without much say in life, but I do vote and support my country and our freedom living here. One thing I've always learned in school is to enjoy life, and of course furthering my education while I was at it; but ever since I was very young of about two years old my life has been involving motorsports with my father and the rest of my family (of 5 kids). Going to the dunes is a magical thing that I hope is never taken away from us, going up on top of Winchester Bay, OR and watching the sunset overtop of the oyster beds is something I could not describe with enough detail to anyone to make them understand my love for this sport and the nature we have to share it with.

I know my current biology professor always tells us to go out and spend our time in nature, any way that we can and enjoy this earth whether its hiking, or riding in the dunes, or even laying on the beach and listening to the waves crash. Even he, a professor almost about to retire next year feels that some want to take away nature from everyone except themselves; and I've always been taught to share by my parents.. Mother earth shares itself with us, so who decides what gets to be shared and what doesn't? I certainly believe that is for nature to decide and not us. Keep the dunes alive for all of us to enjoy, I would of never been able to have my disabled father watch the Osprey flying over the back lake catching fish and sharing it with it's mate without the ATV and sand rail we used to get him there. God bless, Joe Cook.

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