Friday, June 25, 2010

Dan - Estacada, Or

I am writing to express my concern over the possible closure of more OHV dune riding areas in Oregon.  As with many riders, this has become a family activity for us.  My children have grown up in the sport, and have developed a strong love of our beautiful Oregon Coast and the dunes.  We take 6 or more trips to the Florence area each year, staying 4 to 10 days at a time.  This means we spend quite a bit of money into the local economy there, from food, gas, entertainment, atv parts, etc. 

If more riding areas are closed, we will likely give up riding in those areas.  If dozens of riders and families like us do the same, it will have a devastating impact on those local economies.  I'm sure that those small cities rely more on OHV tourism than anything else.
In addition to the economical impact, there is a safety issue in closing more riding areas.  This has become an increasingly popular sport (which will only continue to add to the economy).  The more riders in smaller areas increases congestion.  And those smaller areas will feel the impact of higher OHV traffic - which I believe goes against the desire to further protect the environment.

Responsible riders care about the environment and want to do our part in preserving it.  However, closing more riding areas is not the way to do it.  The impact of such closures are too negative.  And I believe that what is hoped to be achieved by closing more riding areas will not happen because riding in currently restricted areas is not even enforced. Adding more regulations without enforcement of the current regs is meaningless. 

I believe parties on both sides can work together to find a way to protect our beautiful dunes and preserve the economy and the sport, without the negative impact of closing more areas to riders. 
Estacada, OR

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